Nové fotky Honor Randy dog *25.8.2024
Kansas Deabei+Ybonka Deabei
This little rascal is looking for his forever home.
Wista-Sejlinka and Unforgettable Bonna died. Thanks to their owners for taking such a good care of them.
TRIO CACIB Praha, judge Korosz Papp Judit -HUN
Baila Randy dog - Ex1,CAC
Gaya Randy dog - VP1
New pictures of H2 litter.
Club show Beroun - Dee Randy dog - Ex2, r.CAC
Ciri Randy dog passed Fpr1 exam.
New pictures of H2 puppies, Bee, Gira,Xaver and Charm.
We have available male for sale.
We have available male for sale from H2 litter. 30.9.2024
We have available 4 male puppies.
Area dog show Rokycany
Cox Randy dog - Ex1, Class Winner, Area Winner
We have puppies. 4 males and 1 female.
We have available two puppies - Gaspar and Guliver. You can watch the vidoe of them on facebook.
I had to let Vuki go. Words can't describe how I feel. You will be in my hear forever.
Kin of Wolves Ketunpolun, 28.5.2015 - 24.7.2024.
Eazy Randy dog
Beskydox summer rally obedience race in Hodslavice, ROZ - 91 points - 1st place
ZKO Nepomyšl, judge Nelly Kováříková
Asante Randy dog - OPT1.
MVP Zakopanem PL
Bacara Randy dog - Ex1, CAC, CACIB , BOB.
Ybonka was mated by Kansas..
MVP Kraków , PL
Bacara Randy dog - Ex1, CWC, CACIB, BOB, kvalifikace Crufts.
Ybonka is in heat!
New photos of our offspring: A, D, G, V a Whinney.
Puppies from our G litter have new photos and names.
Eazy Randy dog won 3rd place at ROZ race.
Eazy Randy dog passed ROZ - 96 points.
We have puppies! 4+3.
IDS Lučenec SK, judge: A.Kochan Pl
Bacara Randy dog -Ex1,CAC, CACIB,BOS
Met condition for the title Champion of Slovakia!
Regional Dog Show Staňkov - Cox Randy dog (Android x Unique), 22 months, E1, Class Winner, Regional Winner.
Jászberény CAC - Finn Randy Dog - HPJ - BOB ZKO Nepomyšl, judge: .J.Duffkova, Charm z Dračího Údolí - BH - VT
Cox Randy dog passed BH-VT.
MVP Moszna-PL-,judge-C.P.Fricke /DE/
Bacara Randy dog - Ex1,CWC
Met condition for the title Champion of Poland!
Ambra Randy dog is pregnant.
Cox Randy dog is a new stud dog! He passed character test for 100 points out of 100! We are very happy and proud.
Ambra Randy dog was mated by Dartagnan.
Cox Randy dog - 19 months
DNA: 17.01.2024
DNA profile ISAG 2006
SDCA 1, 2 N/N
Wega Randy dog - 8th best adult female Groenendael
Dazai Randy dog - 4th best junior female Tervueren
Dee Randy dog - 5th best junior female Tervueren
Baggy Randy dog - 10th best adult male Tervueren
New puppies add in puppie's section.
Winter TRIOCACIB Praha, judge: .M.Wibier, NL
Baila Randy dog - Ex2, r.CAC
IDS Nitra SK, judge: .P.Marova, CZ
Bacara Randy dog - Ex1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, Crufts qualificatiion
Winter TRIOCACIB Praha, judge: .M.T.Cate, NL
Dee Randy dog - Ex1, CAJC, CACIB-J, Crufts qualificatiion
ZKO Nepomyšl, judge: .Bc. Míša Novotná VilliVirta
Asante Randy dog - ZZO 2
Ambra Randy dog - SPr 1
Also Yaccu Randy dog (Jesinka) passed ZZO 1.
Verne Randy dog - ROB1
Arya Randy dog - ROB BEG
Verne Randy dog - IGP1
Arya Randy dog - IBGH1
Bacara Randy dog - BH -VT.
Danube CACIB Bratislava, SK
Bacara Randy dog - Ex1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
Krajská výstava Litoměřice, rozhodčí: Brotánková
Dee Randy dog - Ex1, Class Winner, Regional Winner
We are looking for a new owners for Maxik - Milwaukee Perla Randy dog /Asky Balpoa+Isis Dog Arabart/. Born: 16.10.2010. His owner passed away.
Bacara Randy dog and her dog show results:
8.10.2023, NDS Oliwice,PL,rozh.A.Kochan PL - Ex1, CWC, NDS, BOB
7.10.2023 NDS Zabrze,PL,rozh.T.Borkowski,PL - Ex1,CWC, NDS, BOB
2.9.2023 NDS Rybník,PL,rozh.A.G.Warecka,PL - Ex1, CWC
27.8.2023 NDS Nowy Targ,Pl,rozh.L.Frnco,CZ, - Ex1, CWC
26.8.2023 NDS Nowy Targ, Pl,rozh.A.Szutkiewicz,Pl - Ex1
IDS České Budějovice, judge: O. Vondrouš
Dee Randy dog - VG1
Area Dog Show Rokycany, judge: Mgr. Zuzana Brotánková
Cox Randy dog - Ex1, Class Winner
Regional Dog Show Martiněves, judge: Mrs. Ovesna
Dee Randy dog - Ex1, Class Winner
Dee Randy dog - HD:A, ED:0/0, Spondy:0, LTV:0 ,L 7, OCD clear
Charm z Dračího údolí - HD:A, ED:0/0, Spondy:0, OCD clear, LTV:3 ,L 7
ZKO Nepomyšl, judge p.Plsek
Asante Randy dog - passed ZPU1.
Zoe passed RO-Z exam.
IDS Klatovy
Dazai Randy dog - Ex1, CAJC, CACIB-J
Regional dog show, judge: Mr. Havelka
Dee Randy dog - Ex1, Class Winner
Asante Randy dog - Ex1
Last puppy from our E litter found its family. We have no available puppies at the moment.
NDS Mladá Boleslav, judge: Mr. Havelka
Dee Randy dog - Ex1, CAJC
Ambra Randy dog and Sarka Frydlova passed BH VT exam! Congratulation.
Enny Randy Dog safely arrived to USA. We have the last one available puppy.
We have available puppies.
NDS Klatovy, judge Mr. Hořák
Baila Randy dog - Ex1, CAC
Cox Randy dog - VG1
Dazai Randy dog - Ex1, CAJC, BOJ
Cox HD:A/A, ED:0/0, shoulders negative, spondylosis negative, LTV type 0, L7.
Arya passed BH-VT exam.
Asante, Dee and litters E and F have new photos. Two black males and one female are available.
IDS Litoměřice, judge: V. Rybarová
Baggy Randy dog - Ex1, CAC, CAC ČMKU, CACIB, BOS
Dee Randy dog - Ex2
We created site for our current litters E2 and F2. We have availabe puppies.
Navar Randy dog - 10.3.2011-22.5.2023. R.I.P.
ZM trial without tracking part, judge Mr. Dejmek.
Asante Randy dog - 4th place out of 8,/43,44/
Thanky you ZKO Žatec for awesome trial and day.
Puppies are here! 4 M/1Tervueren+3 Groendeael/+ 1F Groendeael.
Regional Dog Show Karlovy Vary - Cox Randy dog - junior - Ex1, Class Winner
Club show Ratenice - Wega Randy dog - open - Ex1, CAC and ČKŠ
Breeding exams passed: Ambra Randy dog and Baila Randy dog
Regional dog show Staňkov, judge: Mr. Peroutka
Bee Randy dog - VG1
Dee Randy dog - Ex1
ZKO Nepomyšl, judge Ing.Jitka Jozova
Asante passed SPr 1
Ybonka is pregnant with one big puppy.
IDS České Budějovice
Wega Randy dog - Ex2
Cox Randy dog - VG4
Zoe Randy dog - passed NHAT exam and her pregnancy was confirmed by ultrasound
Ciri Randy dog - new video on facebook
Ybonka- CMJ - N/N
Yonka was mated by Nex. More informations in Puppies section.
Zoe was mated by Pram. More informations in Puppies section.
Ilčík (Ilco Randy Dog) 2.10.2007 - 3.2.2023 R.I.P.
Zoe Randy dog - 8th best adult female Groenendael
Baggy Randy dog - 6th best junior male Tervueren
New photos: Asante, Dee and Xaver
Baila Randy dog - HD: B, DLK: 0/0, shoulders clear, SA clear
NDS Brno - Baila Randy dog - Ex3
Thanks to owners of our puppies for wonderfull Christmas pictures:
New photos:
Bella Diosa Randy dog
New photos:
Xaver Randy dog
Bee Randy dog
Dazai Randy dog
New photos:
Ares Randy dog
Cox Randy dog
D-Rasputin Randy dog
ZKO Nepomyšl 1033, judge. Josef Prášil:
Xaver Randy dog - passed BH-VT
Asante Randy dog - passed BH-VT
Baggy Randy dog - stud dog, temperament test - 96 points, 61/61cm
New pictures:
Ciri Randy dog
D-Rasputin Randy dog Dunja Randy dog
DNA profile:
Dee Randy dog
Bacara Randy dog - HD: A, ED: A, prechodový stavec: missing, spondylosis: negative
Zoe Randy dog - agility race Kyjov - 2 clean runs, total = 1.st place out of 24
New photos:
Bacara Randy dog
Cart Randy dog
Yner Randy dog
Ybonka Randy dog
IDS České Budějovice, judge Mr. Václavík
Baggy Randy dog - Ex1, CAC
Baila Randy dog - VG3
Bee Randy dog - VG2
Happy Birthday to "I" and "R" litter. Ilco and Ricky on the pictures.
Agility race Veselí nad Moravou:
Zoe Randy dog - 3rd out of 14 dogs.
New photos:
Ares Randy dog
D-Rasputin Randy dog Dusty Randy dog
ZKO Nepomyšl, rozh. p. Plsek
Asante Randy dog - ZOP
Ambra Randy dog - ZOP
Memoriial Jaroslava Poláka XXVII. Lenešice - Yaccu Randy dog - 3.rd place in ZZO
ZKO Hořovice, judge Renata Machová Angelovová - Asante Randy dog - passed ZZO1
Dunja Randy dog went to Switzerland today.. Bernardo und Gerhard vielen dank, thank you.
Agility race Sedlec - Zoe Randy dog
jumping I - 2nd - clean run
jumping II - 3rd - clean run
Total - 1st place out of 20 dogs
Wolf Saphira Randy dog - passed OB-Z.
Dazai Randy dog went to her new home. She is going to live with a new friend Haru Black Morion.
D-Rasputin Randy dog also left us. He is going to live with Ares Randy dog in Slovakia. Good luck puppies.
Cox Randy dog went to his new home today. He is going to live with his father Android Deabei. Good luck.
Asante - ZMT
ZKO Nepomyšl 1033, judge Nelly Kováříková. Petr Pachman thank you for all.
New photos of C2, D2 litters and Ambra and Asante.
New photos of C2, D2 litters and Yner and Ybonka.
IDS Nitra, Roz. L. Zeliko, RS
Bacara Randy dog Ex1, CAJC, BOJ
New photos of C2 and D2 litters.
10 puppies sired by Valnoot Deabei out of Xina Randy dog was born in Switzerland.
IDS Wisla PL
Bacara Randy dog - Ex1, Zw. Ml., BOJ
We have puppies! D2 litter out of Ybonka Deabei and Sorbo Randy dog. We have three females and two males.
We have puppies! C2 litter out of Unique Lady Randy dog and Android Deabei. We have one female and two males.
New photo V'Drumla.
Health results xrays, MVDr. Decker.
Asante, Ambra, Bee Randy dog: HD A, ED 0/0, shoulders - clear., Spondy. - neg., LTV 0, L7
Baggy Randy dog: HD A, ED 0/0, shoulders -poz., Spondy. 1, LTV 0, L6
IDS Brno, MVDr. G. Ridarcikova
Zoe Randy dog - Ex1, CAC
Herding exams Těně - judge S. Kumpusalmi, Finland
Asante Randy dog - NHAT excellent
Ketunpolun Kin of Wolves - NHAT excellent
Asante met sheep for the very first time and Vuki for her second time.
Happy Birthday B2 Randy dog.
Happy Birthday A2 Randy dog.
Health results.
Wega Randy dog:
L7 - ok
eyes clear
Health results.
Baggy Randy dog:
DNA profile
New photos Asante Randy dog.
IDS Litoměřice, Mrs. O. Dolejší
Asante Randy dog - Ex2
Baila Randy dog - VG3
Regional dog show Karlovy Vary, Mrs. Márová
Asante Randy dog - Ex1
Ambra Randy dog - Ex2
Bee Randy dog - Ex3
Spec. show KCHBO, B. Robinson, UK
Baila Randy dog - Ex 2
32.NDS Krosno, PL, G. Robak
Zoe Randy dog - Ex1, CWC, BOS
Club show KCHBO, C. Bond, UK
Baila Randy dog - Ex
31.NDS Krosno, PL, B. Chmiel
Zoe Randy dog - Ex1, CWC, BOS
Android Deabei mated Unique Lady Randy dog
Zoe Randy dog - new photos.
Ch. Sorbo Randy dog mated Ybonka Deabei.
Zoe Randy dog - passed canesteraphy exam.
ZKO Stříbro, T. Krajci
Asante Randy dog passed exam ZZO
IDS České Budějovice, judge: Milan Krinke
Asante - VG1 Baila - VG5 Bee - Ex1
New photos of Verne, Arya, Asante a Bacara.
We added microchip numbers of A2 a B2 litters.
Zoe Randy dog - CACIB Katowice - CWC, CACIB, BOS
Videos of our dogs are uploaded on our facebook.
Zoe Randy dog - CACIB Brno - Ex2, res CAC.
Zoe Randy dog - CACIB Brno - Ex1, CAC.
You can see our breeding plans for this year in puppies page.
NDS Brno - Baila VP3.
¨ 4.1.2022
New photos of dogs bred by us including photos of 11 years old Montana Perla Randy dog!
Zoe Randy dog
/s. r. Ch. Rocket Deabei, IGP1, ZM, BH-VT, SPR1+s. IntCh. Gaba Deabei /
2nd best junior female Groenendael
5th best junior female of all varietes
Litter - all puppies have scissor bitesand full dentions
Bali - overbite, full dention, the rest of B litter - scissor bite, full dention.
Gaba Deabei - spayed
New photos Ares Randy dog and Balu Randy dog.
ZKO Nepomyšl, p. Plsek
Xaver Randy dog - passed ZOP
Upside Deabei - passed ZPU1
Ketunpolun Kin of Wolves - passed ZPU1
Bacara Randy dog - New video on facebooku.
Baila Randy dog - Regional Dog Show Litoměřice, Mgr. B. Ovesná - VP1
Ilčík had 14 Birthday yesterday! ❤️
Zoe Randy dog - World Dog Show Brno, Rony Doedijns, NL - Ex1!
ZKO Nepomyšl, p. Eva Karvankova
Xaver Randy dog - passed ZZO
Upside Deabei - passed IBGH1
Ketunpolun Kin of Wolves - passed ZZO1
Zoe Randy dog - Unnoficial agility race - 4th place.
Verne Randy dog become a Vienna's National Champion at LK2.
Upside Deabei - passed exam ZZO, judge: Prášil
Zoe Randy dog - IDS Brno - Ex1, CAC.
5.8.2021 Puppies have photos from new homes. You can see them here: A2 a B2. Also Simby a Ynera and Ybonka have new photos.
15.7.2021 Added pages for litters A2 and B2. New photos of Yner and Ybonka
26.6.2021 Wolf Saphira has new photos in her gallery.
24.6.2021 There is one female available from litter B2.
23.6.2021 Litter A2 is not available for sell.
13.6.2021 We have more puppies! Seven females and one male out of Ybonka Deabei, sired by Sorbo Randy dog.
10.6.2021 We have four puppies (2 boys + 2 girls) out of Unique Lady Randy dog and Ch. Tr. Charon Deabei.
4.6.2021 Zoe Randy dog - National dog show: CAJC, BOJ, BOB
7.5.2021 Zoe Randy dog - new brood bitch.
Size 58/58
Shooting reaction 20 points/out of 20
Behavior in the ring 10 points/out of 10
5.5.2021 Run free my girls. I am so sad you are not here with me anymore, but I believe you are on the better place and we will see one day again.
17.5.2007-5.5.2021 s.VCH.JCH.CH.Change Randy dog was ill and we decided not to hurting her anymore.
2.10.2007-29.4.2021 Ines Randy dog left us during the sleep.
1.5.2021 Pregnancy of our girls were confirmed by ultrasound. We are expecting A2 and B2 litter soon.
13.4.2021 New photos: Upside Deabei, Sorbo Randy dog a Zoe Randy dog.
10.4.2021 Ybonka Deabei was mated by Sorbo Randy dog.
6.4.2021 Unique Lady Randy dog was mated by Ch. Tr. Charon Deabei.
12.3.2021 Xina Randy dog - was mated in Switzerland by Moon des derniers Centurions.
11.3.2021 Velf Randy dog - new photos
Xina Randy dog - CJM: N/P, DM: N/N, SDCA1: N/N, SDCA2: N/N, LTV: 0
Xaver Randy dog - neutered (November 2020)
2.3.2021 Unique Lady Randy dog - CJM-N/N
27.2.2021 Happy Birthday to litter V and litter 0! Wish you the best. They have new photos in their galleries.
23.2.2021 New videos on facebook
Zeus here.
V'Drumla here.
21.1.2021 New photos of: Y litter, Zoe and Wega.
1.12.2020 New photos of: Yaccu, Waffle and Valentyna Kwanah.
20.11.2020 New photos Ykora.
Xina - CJM: carrier
3.11.2020 New photos Yner, Ybonka and Xina.
18.10.2020 New photos of our dogs and litters V, W, X and Z.
6.9.2020 Regional dog show Louny, P. Márova
Ybonka Deabei - Ex1, VT, KV
Gaba Deabei - Ex1, VTV
22.8.2020 Ne photos from summer camp in ZKO Nepomyšl.
20.8.2020 Memphis died because of heart failure. Thanks to his owners for all care and love.
15.8.2020 Chara, mother of litters N and Q, died. Thanks to her owners for all care and love you gave to her.
9.8.2020 Xaver Randy dog and Zoe Randy dog have new photos.
4.8.2020 There is a new girl in Randy dog kennel. Welcome Valentyna Kwanah.
25.7.2020 Krajska výstava Martiněves, B. Ovesná
Gaba Deabei - V1, VTV
Yaccu randy dog - VN1
Ybonka Deabei - V1, Vítěz třídy
24.7.2020 Verne Randy dog and Yaccu Randy dog have new photos.
21.7.2020 Quesadila passed away. Thanks to her owners for perfect care of her.
20.7.2020 Verne randy dog, 1st place in LK2, congratz! Video on facebook.
New photo: Ronja.
7.7.2020 Puppies out of our Seneca randy dog are expected in Mexico.
New photos: Wolf Saphira and Yaccu.
6.7.2020 Regional dog show Staňkov, A. Grygarová
Yaccu randy dog - VP1, best puppy, BIS 3
Ybonka Deabei - Ex1, Class Winner, Regional Winner.
4.7.2020 ZKO Rakovník, M. Rynes - Upside Deabei passed exam BH-VT.
28.6.2020 ZKO Nové Strašecí - Vuki passed exam OB-Z.
New photos Xaver and Zoja.
6.6.2020 Kiss of Dew died because of abdominal cancer in March. Thanks to her owners of all care and love you gave to her.
New photos of Waffle.
25.8.2020 II. unofficial obedience race OB-Z - Vuki - 4th place - 219 points
New photos of Yaccu, Ykora, Ybonka and Yner.
New photos of V'Drumla, Waffle and Sirius, who became a star in a music video named Jabloň.
New photos of "Z" litter"Y" litter.
New photos of "Z" litter from their new homes, new photos of Y litter and Timon.
New photos of "Z" puppies and Ybonka and Yner.
New photos of puppies. All puppies are reserved.
New photos of puppies. Available Zeus and Zoja.
New photos of: Z litter, Velf, Yard, Yaccu and Upside Deabei .
New photos of puppies. Zeus and Zoja are available.
We have 3 puppies Zeus, Zoe and Zoja.
Puppies from litter Y are reserved.
TOP TEN 2019
Wolf Saphira Randy dog - 5th best groenendael junior female
Ines Randy dog - 5th best tervueren veteran female
Dogs who were used in our breeding program:
Erd - 3rd best veteran amle
Norik - 3rd best adult male
New photos of Y litter Two males are available.
Pregnancy of Gaba and Unique is confirmed. Both females are pregnant. We expecting litter of tervuerens and groenendael as well.
Wolf Saphira Randy dog, NDS Brno - Ex1, CAJC, BOJ, fulfilled conditions for Czech Juniorchampion title.
New photos of Y litter and Reia.
New photos of Y litter, Waffle, Velf, V-Drumla, Questa and Timon..
Available male Yard and Ynex and female Ybonka.
New photos of Y litter, Waffle, Xina and Quesadila.
Available to sell: black male Yard and light blue male Ynex.
Unique Lady was mated.
V galerii nebyly nalezeny žádné obrázky.
New photos of Y litter and Waffle.
Available two males puppies - black Yard and light blue Ynex.
New photos of Y litter and Xaver.
Wolf Saphira Randy dog - IDS Prague: Saturday VG1, Sunday Ex1, CAJC, BOJ.
New photos of Y litter HERE.
Verne passed IBGH1 exam.
We have puppies! More informations HERE.
ZKO Rakovník, Fr.Karas Memorial
ZZO - Ketunpolun Kin of Wolves - 5th place / 13
Wega Randy dog - HD: A, ED: A, SA: 0, OCD clear
Wolf Saphira Randy dog - HD: B/D, ED: A, SA: 0, OCD clear
>Xaver Randy dog - cryptorchid
Memphis - new photos
Ines - new photos
15.10.2019 Pregnancy confirmed. We are expecting puppies out of Ybonka Deabei + Sorbo Randy dog.
6.10.2019 Regional show Litoměřice, Mgr. B. Ovesná
Erd Těchlovice - Ex1, Veteran class Winner, new Veteran Champion of CZ, 3rd best veteran (judged by K. Hořák)
VCh. Ines Randy dog - Ex1, Veteran class Winner
Erd and Ines - 1st best brace (judged by Ing. L. Jančík)
Wolf Saphira Randy dog - new photos
Ricky - new photos
Verne - agility race - 3rd place
16.9.2019 Ybonka Deabei was mated by Sorbo Randy dog
Xina - SDCA free
Verne - LA1 3rd place, Jumping 2nd place
3.8.2019 Unofficial obedience race OB-Z - Vuki - 4th place / 9.
20.7.2019 Regional dog show Martiněves - Alexandra Grygarová
Wolf Saphira Randy dog - Ex1, Junior class winner
Ybonka Deabei - Ex1, Class Winner, Regional Winner
New photos of X litter.
13.7.2019 NDS Mladá Boleslav
Wolf Saphira Randy dog - Ex1, CAJC, BOS
New photos of: Malina and Xaver.
Verne's agility video on facebooku.
29.6.2019 NDS Klatovy - Dolejšová
Ybonka Deabei - Ex1, CAC
Wega Randy dog - VP1
Czech Dog Run, Předměřice nad Labem
JCh. Valori Black Beauty Randy dog - 2nd place
12.6.2019 Ines Randy dog is oficially new Czech Veteran Champion..
8.6.2019 Regional Dog show Karlovy Vary - Ing. Hořák
Ybonka Deabei - Ex1, class winner, Regional Winner
Ines Randy dog - Ex1, class winner, met the conditions for Veteran Champion CZ
1.6.2019 Club show SKBO, Malý Lapáš - B. Schwarzentruber
Wolf Saphira Randy dog - VP1, BIS puppy
Via Randy dog - Ex3
28.5.2019 New photos of X litter.
Ybonka has a DNA profile.
18.5.2019 IDS Litoměřice
Wega Randy dog - VP1
11.5.2019 FMBB Písek, World Dog show
judge: M. Bidault - FR
Wolf Saphira Randy dog - VP2
judge: P. K. Stern-Hanf - NL
Ybonka Deabei - VG2, brood bitch
Ines Randy dog - Ex3
4.5.2019 Ybonka Deabei - MVDr. Decker
ED: 0/0
SA: 0
Shoulders clear
22.4.2019 Area show Hořovice, MVDr. F. Šimek
Ines Randy dog - Ex1, BOV
Wolf Saphira Randy dog - VP1
Ybonka Deabei - Ex1, Class Winner, Area Winner
20.4.2019 IDS Praha, Ing. J. Karhanová
Wolf Saphira Randy dog - VP1
Xaver and Xavi went to new homes. Wish you all the best boys.
14.4.2019 IDS České Budějovice, A. Grygarová
Ines Randy dog - Ex1, BOV
Wolf Saphira Randy dog - VP1
Ybonka Deabei - Ex1, CAC, CACIB
2.3.2019 We have puppies. Two boys - Xaver, Xavi and one girl - Xina. Proud parents are Unique Lady Randy dog and Charon Deabei.
25.1.2019 Pregnancy was confirmed. We are waiting for puppies out of Unique Lady Randy dog x Charon Deabei.
11.1.2019 Woody went to his new home today.
11.1.2019 We have available male from W litter.
10.1.2019 New photos W litter, Jane, Seneca, Wendy a Valentine.
7.1.2019 New videos on facebook:
Wolf Saphira
28.12.2018 Unique Lady Randy dog was mated by Charon Deabei.
24.12.2018 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
25.11.2018 Puppies have new photos here. We have available. We are looking for a good and forever home for Woody. He loves to play, is friendly to everyone, suitable for shows and dog sports. For more info be free to contact me.
11.11.2018 Puppies have new photos here.
31.10.2018 Ines Randy dog came back to our kennel.
11.10.2018 We have puppies. More information on the W litter page.
5.10.2018 Přidány fotky do galerií Ricky, Ronja, Valori, Velf, Vuki a Unique Lady.
30.9.2018 We are expecting puppies around 9th October.
21.9.2018 Juliette Randy dog passed away.
23.8.2018 Gaba is a new International Champion C.I.E.
10.8.2017 and 8.8.2018 was our Gaba mated.
30.7.2018 Sorbo - Champion of Denmark, eyes clear
New photos: Jane a Reno
21.7.2018 Regional Dog Show Martiněves, judge: Ing. Leoš Jančík
Sorbo - Ex1, Champion Class Winner, Regional Winner
Ybonka - Ex1, Junior Class Winner
11.7.2018 New photos: Gaba, Velf, Sirius, Sorbo, Vuki, Unique Lady, Upside and Ybonka
26.6.2018 We tried herding today. I am happy that our dogs have aptitude for herding!
Tera - HD A, ED 0/0
Verne - passed BH exam
Ybonka - got VP 1 at Regional dog show in Karlovy Vary
27.5.2018 Jackie Randy dog passed away, thanks to owners for her happy life and great care. We will miss you Jackie.
21.5.2018 Tera has a new agility video on facebooku.
14.5.2018 Upside was neutered today.
21.4.2018 New photos of Quin, Patch, Ori, Seneca, Upside and Ybonka.
21.3.2018 New photos: Via, Whinney, Vuki, Upside and Ybonka.
New plans in puppies' page.
20.1.2018 IDS Lubin - PL, jugde: K. Fiszdon, PL
Gaba Deabei - Ex1, CWC, CACIB, BOB, finished Champion of Poland + Interchampion C.I.E
Upside Deabei - Very good 1
Sorbo Randy dog - Ex1, CWC, BOS, CACIB, finished Champion of Poland
24.12.2017 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
22.12.2017 New photos of Reia, Via, Whinney and Ybonka.
25.11.2017 New photos of Gaba, Change, Upside, Vuki and Ybonka.
18.11.2017 2nd Mexican Speciality with Championship point, judge: Jacqueline Macandie Hall
Shelby Randy dog - Award of Merit. + New photo in his gallery.
Tera Randy dog - Award of Merit. + New photo in her gallery.
15.11.2017 TOP TEN KCHBO 2017
JCh. Valori Black Beauty Randy dog - 2.best young female groendeael + 4. best young female of all varietes.
Vito Randy dog - 2. best young male groendeael + 5. best young male of all varietes.
Jane Randy dog - new photo.
28.10.2017 Quentin Randy dog - Hořovice, Pernikl memorial, ZZO1 - 3rd place, congratulation!
15.10.2017 National dog show Jelenia Gora, judge: Tarnowski - PL
Gaba Deabei - V1 - /because of "long tail and small head"/
Sorbo Randy dog - VD1 - /because he is "too big"/
12.10.2017 Rena Randy dog passed away (pyometra). Miss you.
10.10.2017 Sorbo Randy dog - new photos from tracking training.
16.9.2017 Regional dog show - Karlovy Vary, judge: K. Hořák
Upside Deabei - vp 1
Cate z Hasištejnského podhradí - ex 1, Class winner, Regional winner
9.9.2017 Special show SKBO
Via Randy dog - Ex1, CAC, Special show Winner
20.8.2017 MVP Bratislava
Via Randy dog - Ex1, CAJC, BOJ, BOS
National d'Elevage 2017
Upside Deabei - very promisig (judge: M. Varlet)
Rena Randy dog - excellent (judge: P. Bottagisio) + CSAU, TAN exc.
5.8.2017 New photos: Quip RD and Ricky RD.
15.7.2017 NDS Mladá Boleslav-P.Márová/CZ/
Valori Black Beauty Randy dog - Ex1, CAJC, BOJ - new junior champion CZ
New photos: Juliette RD, Valori Black Beauty RD and Upside Deabei
8.7.2017 LTV Volenice
Ketupolun Kin of Wolves passed BH exam.
6.7.2017 Drop of Dew Randy dog passed away, Rest in peace,
25.6.2017 NDS Jelenia Gora, judge: J. Arnold (PL)
JCh. Union Jack Randy dog - VG 1
JCh. EJW. Rena Randy dog - Ex.1, CWC, Best Bitch, BOB
24.6.2017 IDS Brno, judge: T. Havelka (SK)
Ronja Randy dog - VG 1
22.6.2017 We are very sad. Vito Randy dog passed away because of car accident.
16.6.2017 Ronja Randy dog - HD: 0/0, ED: 0/0
11.6.2017 ZKO Svojetín, judge: V. Famfulín
Ketupolun Kin of Wolves passed ZOP exam
10.6.2017 IDS Vejen (DK), judge: G. Nymann
Sorbo Randy dog - Ex.1, CK,Certifikat,r.CACIB
29.5.2017 Icis Randy dog passed away.
25.5.2017 Cate z Hasištejnského podhradí - HD: A, ED: 0/0, LTV: 0
20.5.2017 IDS Litoměřice, A. Polgar, SRB
Valori - Ex1, CAJC, BOJ
14.5.2017 Special show KCHBO, M.Krug, D
Vito - VG3
13.5.2017 Club show KCHBO, K. Malinowski, UK
Vito - Ex2
30.4.2017 Krajowa wystawa psow J.Gora PL - Judge: M.Halas (PL)
Gaba - Ex1, CWC, Best bitch, BOB
Sorbo - Ex1, CWC, Best dog, BOB
Vuki - Ex1, CWC, Best bitch
Union Jack - VG1
29.4.2017 Vuki passed ZZO exam. Judge: R. Machová Angelovová
27.3.2017 We added new photos of our dogs, R litter and V litter.
27.3.2017 New photos: Šejlinka, Vendy and Seneca.
5.3.2017 MVP Drzonkow
Gaba - Ex1, CWC, CACIB, BOB
Sorbo - Ex1, CWC
Vuki - Ex1, CWC, r. CACIB
19.2.2017 Secca lives with her owner in Polannd and actually she has puppies! Her achievements:: 2x CWC, 2x CACIB, 2x BOB, Crufts 2017 qualification
6.2.2017 Another sad day for Randy dog kennel. Our Ischa Dog Arabat left us. Run free...
5.2.2017 IDS Brno, M. Ten Cate, NL
Vito - Ex1, CAJC, BOJ, BOS
4.2.2017 IDS Brno, H. Laine Jensen, DK
Vito - VG2
15.1.2017 New photos: Ricky, Seth, Sirius and V'Drumla. Health results: Union Jack - HD: A, ED: 0/0, LTV: 0
7.1.2017 NDS Brno, Ing. I. Němečková, CZ
Vito - Ex1, CAJC, BOS
Valori Black Beauty - Ex1, CAJC, BOJ, BOB
5.1.2017 New photos: Šejlinka, Vendy and Quip. Health results: Secca - HD A
24.12.2016 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
21.12.2016 Ketunpolun Kin of Wolves - HD: A, MVDr.Decker
23.11.2016 TOP TEN 2016 (internal competition in Czech Belgian shepherd's club)
Union Jack - tervueren junior males - 2nd palce + 4th place best junior male all variettes
Unique - tervueren junior females - 7th place
Vuki - tervueren junior females - 5th place
Ischa - tervueren veteran females - 4th place
20.11.2016 New photos from Nationals. Tera and Seneca - Michigan, October 2016.
12.11.2016 New photos of Malina, Ricky, Via a Whinney.
3.11.2016 We have two new females in our kennel. Tervueren imported from Finland - Ketunpolun Kin of Wolves.
Moscow Watchdog - Cate z Hasištejnského podhradí.
2.11.2016 New photos of Tera, Seneca, Seneca, Unique, Velf, Vito and Valori.
30.10.2016 IDS Praha, judge: Štýbrová
Valori - VP1
Vito - VP1
Unique - VG1
Vuki - Ex1, CAC
IDS Poznaň
Union Jack - Ex1, CWC, Poland Winner, BOS
29.10.2016 IDS Praha, judge: Pisarčíková
Vito - VP1
Vuki - Ex1
IDS Praha, judge: Matyáš
Zoja - Ex2
IDS Poznaň
Union Jack - Junior Winner, Best of Junior, Cruft's qualification, new Junior Champion PL
24.10.2016 Quentin passed all these exams: BH, ZOP, ZZO, UPr1, UPr2, UPr3, OBZ, ZZO1, ZPU1.
15.10.2016 Unique Lady Randy dog is breeding bitch now. Character test 85 points, no shooting reaction. Thyroid: normal.
28.9.2016 Přidáváme fotky našich odchovů, vrh S, U, V, Whinney, Quentin a Maine.
26.9.2016 Unique Lady Randy dog - HD: A, ED: 0/0.
24.9.2016 NVP Brno, judge: T.Havelka (SK)
Union Jack Randy dog - Ex1, CAJC, BOJ, BOB
12.9.2016 Woody passed away. :(
10.9.2016 New photos of Verne and Tera. Tera have also video. We are proud to share Tera's first agility results, she was the best dog in the competition
4.9.2016 Regional dog show Louny
Change - Ex1, Class winner, finished veteran champion CZ
2.9.2016 New photos of Verne, Valori and Tera.
18.8.2016 Randy dog kennel meeting!
17.8.2016 3 available puppies in my friend's kennel. More informations HERE
13.8.2016 IDS Mladá Boleslav - Union - Excellent 1.
New photos - Qutie.
23.7.2016 New photos Via, Verne, Valori, Velf, Simba, Whinney, Chara, Charmino and video Tera.
10.7.2016 Shepherd's dog show, D. Rimaityte
Union - Zw.ml.,BOJ,BOB,3.místo BIS
26.6.2016 Regional dog show Karlovy Vary, K. Hořák - CZ
Sorbo - Ex1, Class Winner, Regional Winner
Unique - Ex1, Junior Class Winner
Change - Ex1, Veteran Class Winner, r.BIS Veterán
National dog show Jelenia Gora, I. Gizela - PL
Union - Ex1, BOJ, BOB
20.6.2016 New photos V'Drumla, Simba, Malina, Quin, Patch and video Shelby.
11.6.2016 NDS Klatovy, D.Rutten - NL
Union - VG2
Sorbo - VG1 (because of gris colour)
Unique - Ex1, CAJC
6.6.2016 Available puppies in Dog Arabat kennel

28.5.2016 IDS Litoměřice, judge Mr. Kukla (CZ)
Ischa Dog Arabat - Ex1, BOV, fulfilled Czech veteran champion
Sorbo Randy dog - Ex2 ,r.CAC
Union Jack Randy dog- Ex1, CAJC, BOJ
Unique Lady Randy dog - VG2 (out of coat)
16.5.2016 Today left me my beloved girl Medunka - Madelain Dog Arabat. I love you my little girl. R.I.P.
27.4.2016 New photo - Quesadila.
25.4.2016 Puppies have new photos and Seneca has new herding video on facebook.
15.4.2016 New photos - Unique Lady.
10.4.2016 Sorbo is STUD DOG.
New photo - Tera.
4.4.2016 Puppies have their page.
2.4.2016 New photo - Jane.
21.3.2016 Sorbo Randy dog - HD: A, ED 0/0!
17.3.2016 New photo - Questa
. Puppies have new photos too and they are all booked.
26.2.2016 Litter out of C.I.B. ICh. Ch. AYERS-ROCK Groenoir and s. JCh. GABA Deabei was born. 4 males, 6 females. We unfortunately lost one boy and two girls. One male available.
10.2.2016 New photo Tera and Seneca.
30.1.2016 Special dog show for belgian shepherds Mexico, judge - Sharon Redmer.
Seneca Randy dog - BOJ (best of juniors)
Tera Randy dog - BOB
30.1.2016 Gaba's pregnancy is confirmed!
19.1.2016 Tera and Seneca are great in show ring, but they also do agility and herding. Their videos are on facebook - Seneca and Tera.
10.1.2016 New photos of Timon and Ronja.
29.12.2015 s. JCh. GABA Deabei was mated by Ch. AYERS-ROCK Groenoir! More informations HERE.
26.12.2015 New photos Unique Lady, Uno, Shelby, Sorbo, Simba a Navar.
New exams Quentin - ZZO1, UPr2. Congratz!
20.12.2015 Mery Christmas and Happy New Year!
7.12.2015 TOP TEN 2015 results.
Change Randy dog - 4th best veteran female tervueren
Sorbo Randy dog - 5th best junior male tervueren
29.11.2015 DUO CACIB Nitra, Union Jack Randy dog and his very first shows.
Saturday, T. Havelka - VP1
Saunday, Ing. J.Matyáš - VP1, congratz!
27.11.2015 Seneca and Shelby sent greetings from Mexico.
16.11.2015 We added new information about our breeding plans for Winter 2015/2016 to Puppies section.
20.10.2015 Tera Randy dog "Circuito Panamericano Guadalajara 2015" shows:
Thursday - Winner Bitch, CACM, CACPB, BOS
Friday- Winner Bitch, CACM, CACPB, BOS
Saturday - Winner Bitch, CACM, CACPB, BOS
Sunday - Winner Bitch, CACM, CACPB, BOS
10.10.2015 IDS České Budějovice. Judge: T. Havelka.
s.Jch.Gaba Deabei - V1, CAC, CAC-CMKU, CACIB, BOB
Sorbo Randy dog - V1, CAJC, BOJ
s.Ch.Jch.Change Randy dog - V1, BOV
3.10.2015 Last show results Drop of Dew Randy dog:
8.8.15 - Regional dog show Kladno, O.Vondrouš - Ex1, Winner of Veteran class
5.9.15 - Regional dog show Praha, Mgr.Z.Brotánková - Ex1, Winner of Veteran class, BIS3 veteran
6.9.15 - Regional dog show Louny, M.Václavík - Ex1, Winner of Veteran class
26.9.15 - Special dog show Ratenice, E.Boriero/IT/ - Ex3
3.10.15 - Regional dog show Ujezd nad Lesy, K.Hořák - Ex1, Winner of Veteran class, BIS veteran
28.9.2015 Welcome to our new websites. Hope you will like it. Older news here.